industrial designer



2023 Bake-off Rules - June 10th

The rules are simple: Make and bring a baked good with an ingredient within the theme. All participants will vote for their top three favorite bakes. 1st receives 3 points, 2nd receives 2 points, and 3rd gets 1 point.

Bakers can use whatever other ingredients and bake whatever style of food they desire. Sweet or savory. Each baker or baking team must make 1 entry that can be sampled by all participants. You are welcome to pair up on entries because this could easily get out of hand lol.

In a tie: the rest of the bakers will vote in a tiebreaker round and award a single point to their preferred bake, the recount will only include these votes.

  • If still tied, the baker with the most points awarded from the presentation will win the tiebreak.

  • The winner will receive the title of birthday bake-off champion and take home a trophy!

We have one nut allergy, so when you arrive please let us know if your bake could contain peanuts.